Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Thoughts on Stereotypes

*Vulgar Language Warning*
The first thing that pops into my head at times when you hear about people being racist is Achmed the Dead Terrorist saying, "You racist bastard!" to Jeff Dunham at his comedy shows. It wasn't even that apparent to me how racist people still were until Obama came into office. Because if he was a white man, I doubt they'd be taking him through the ringer on everything. Hell, Bush had a drug and alcohol problem at one point and no one even batted an eye lash at it. But everything with Obama is different.

They've question his religion even though he's said himself he's a Christian, has accepted Jesus as his savior and goes to church. And even though he's done all of these things people still insist that he's a Muslim and they question the churches he goes too. And then there's the whole birther thing. And no one would do that if he was a white man. Well maybe some of the crazies would, but not on such a huge level would it of happened. Then, you have the fact that he received the highest honors at Harvard University and they're questioning his education! They don't just let anyone become the Editor of the Harvard Law Review!

Ron and Rand Paul think that the Civil Rights Act was wrong because they think people should have the right to refuse service to someone for whatever reason. Which I think is ridiculous since the Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal. So because it says that we all should have equal rights and I don't think that someone should be able to refuse service because of someones race. That isn't what this country was founded on and it's not what we stand for. We all bleed the same damn color so skin color shouldn't matter to anyone. And the fact that it does is just depressing.

I also don't understand that if the Declaration of Independence says:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Can we even legally say that gay marriage is illegal if this in our Declaration of Independence? Because if all men (and women of course) were created equal than we cannot say that one group of persons can't have the same rights as another group because then our Declaration of Independence would be null and void. And if people say that because they said Creator that it's what rights God gave them there are various arguments for that. A creator could be their parents because their parents created them when they chose to have a child. It doesn't have to just apply to God.

Some Americans also have a Muslim problem. Which is also ridiculous. Just because someone used a means to an end doesn't make it evil. You have people out there who misuse Christianity so you can only expect for the same thing to happen with other religions. And with the way this problem is going we will be no better than Nazi Germany. Yes, Nazi Germany. We may not be going after the Jews but we are going after the Muslims for stupid reasons and it makes us no better than Nazi Germany. And that is not what this country stands for and we are better than that. And just because you don't agree with how their religion treats people doesn't mean it doesn't happen with other religions. Just take a look around and see for yourself.

Women don't only have stereotypes, we also have double standards. And all of them suck. Just because a woman has different plumbing than a man doesn't mean she isn't capable of the same things a man is. I'm also tired of men trying to say what a woman can and cannot do which then gets us into the inequality aspect of it. And I could go on and on and on about that. Women have been fighting for these rights for years and we're now starting to go backwards instead of forwards because of these stupid chauvinistic pigs in office.

And for some reason there's people out there think that a woman's place is in the home or that all women should be girly girls. Are you fucking kidding me? Some of us were taught to be independent and to think for ourselves. Not everyone wants to be a house wife. But if a woman chooses that path than that's her right to do it. But it shouldn't apply to all the women out there. And this whole girly girl thing. Give me a damn break. Some of us like to be comfortable and not spend an hour or more everyday getting ready to go out. We're not fragile. We don't have to be coddled and treated like trophies because that's not what we are. We're not your property, we won't be brainwashed and we won't have these things expected of us all the damn time. It's our choice, not yours.

"Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason."
~Abraham Joshua Heschel

"Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed.  If I fail, no one will say, 'She doesn't have what it takes.'  They will say, 'Women don't have what it takes."
~Clare Boothe Luce 


LydiaNetherlands said...

Beautiful piece UP, I couldn't agree more. I would like to make some additional comment though. It is, or should be, common knowledge that there is a simple scientific reason why some people have darker skins than others. The sun delivers all kinds of beneficial things to the world besides light and warmth. It also brings vitamine D (among other things) that people need a cerain dose of. So in colder areas people need lighter skins in order to be able to get enough of the sun's beneficiary treatment, whereas is warmer areas people could get too much, so their skins have to protect them from getting too much of the same treatment. Doesn't have anything to do with what's inside the skin.
On the matter of 'ladies' I have developed a saying years ago that says: A lady is a woman that is rendered harmless by conventions. In my view a lady is everything a woman should not aspire to be.

MotivatedinOhio said...

Inequality in the USA is rampant.  Hating people because of their skin color, religion, gender or sexual preference, is simply wrong.  In Germany before WWII, they started hating Gays, and took them away, then blacks, then Unionists, then people of a different religion.  The correlation in the US is starting to scare me.  

And while people are being scared, about the fake threat of Sharia Law, we have real problems that are not being addressed.  If they can keep people looking for the fake threat of Sharia Law, they won't notice that the largest redistribution of wealth has happened with the Bush Tax Cuts, (from low and middle to high).  We will just sit back and let the draconian measures of the Ryan Budget be discussed.  

Fox news in this country is a tool of the Right, in order to keep people focused on "non issues", so that the real agenda is not noticed.

Underground Politics said...

It's becoming very rampant and it's very scary. I won't want to live in a fascist country :( But it seems that's what the GOP and the corporations what so they can control everything and make more money.

That is so true. And all it's doing is taking us towards another depression. Hell, it might even crash the world market because of the idiocy of the Right.

But this is why were here trying to wake the American people up. And we are starting to see movements across the nation. Especially since the Right is taking away union rights, trying to kill Medicare and now there's rumors about SS. And all of those are a big no no since we all love them. I just hope that these movements last until next fall and we tell them how we fell about it and kick them out of office.

Underground Politics said...

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it :]

You make a very good point about peoples skin coloring and the reasons why it happens. Most people do learn about the protein that causes it but I've never heard the explanation that you just gave. And your explination makes a whole lot of sense and more people should know about it.

I really like that saying. Would it be alright with you if I add it to my favorite quotes page?

LydiaNetherlands said...

Thank you. I'm glad you like my quote. Never even thought I would ever translate it into English, but now that I have done so, I would be honored if you would add it to your favorite quotes.

MotivatedinOhio said...

If we do not get them kicked out of office, I don't know what the country will be like.  We now have corporations as persons, but they don't die like persons, they don't get sick like persons, and they don't understand that we are all connected.  It is like telling the Terminator, that he has the same rights as I do, but his only goal is to terminate.  

Before SSI, the elderly suicide rate was much higher, and I believe that.  A nation without Medicare would be a nation letting it's citizens die, because they were inconvenient.  Our nation does not want to cure people, because the gravy train of the big pharma would be gone.  People are getting fired up, I hope they stay that way.  In this country, we can have a revolution, every two years by voting.

Underground Politics said...

You make a very good point about the corporations. I wish we the people could overrule the supreme court somehow when it came to that ruling. Because they're not people.

I didn't know that but it makes sense. Who wants to suffer from health related problems when you're that old and you have no way to do anything about it? It's sad that we don't want to help people. A healthier population is better able to help make the country a better place. A sick population can't do that. We need a revolution big time. I hope this momentum keeps on going and lasts us until next November and beyond until we fix these issues and have our country back.

MotivatedinOhio said...

Over at my place, there is a video, in what every American should Know, about Citizens United, and how we should work to get it gone.

Underground Politics said...

Yeah! I remember watching that video! It was a really good one!

Cletis said...

Lydia, I agree with UP. That is a great insight and should be in a book of quotations.

Cletis said...

Great post UP!!!!

Underground Politics said...

Thanks Cletis!