Friday, September 30, 2011

How Anti-Authoritarians Can Transcend their Sense of Hopelessness and Fight Back

How Anti-Authoritarians Can Transcend their Sense of Hopelessness and Fight Back: "How can anti-authoritarian critical thinkers rise above their pessimism and really fight for change?

Critical thinking anti-authoritarians see the enormity of the military-industrial complex, the energy-industrial complex and the financial-industrial complex. They see the overwhelming power of the U.S. ruling class. They see many Americans unaware of the true sources of their oppression or with little knowledge of the strategies and tactics necessary to overcome it. They see American society lacking the psychological and cultural building blocks necessary for democratic movements—the self-respect required to reject the role as a mere subject of power, the collective self-confidence that success is possible, courage, determination, anti-authoritarianism, and solidarity. They see how the corporatocracy pays back those few Americans who do question, challenge, and resist illegitimate authority with economic and political marginalization....."


MotivatedinOhio said...

I hope so, this country is worth fighting for.

Underground Politics said...

It really is! We just need to get people motivated and get them the tools they need.