Sunday, March 4, 2012

To bomb or not to bomb? US schizo over Iran attack


MotivatedinOhio said...

I think that would be the dumbest thing to do.  I like Israel, but this would make a real problem.

Underground Politics said...

It could potentially start WWIII :(

MotivatedinOhio said...

The world can't afford it.  We need to be careful with Iran.  The U.S. took their leader out in the 50's in order to place in the tyrannical Shah, because their duly elected leader wanted to nationalize the oil wells.  The Shah, brutalized his people, and the only place they could hide was in the mosques.  Some of the mosques became radicalized, leading the the Ayatollah Khomeini. When Khomeini came into power, they fought back against the U.S. and took people hostage.

Underground Politics said...

Damn :(