Monday, May 9, 2011

Merit Pay Mess

Merit Pay Mess - Join the Future

I got told my one of my relatives that's a school that runs off of merit pay doesn't work. They said that there's way too many factors to count in to be able to have a good merit based system. Like the economic level of the school, class size, how they judge you (by student scores, job performance or one shot evaluation), who's filling it out and how they feel about you. And for police and firefighters, how do you do merit pay for them? They save lives and protect us every day.

I know that you get a bad worker in every bunch (I've had my share of bad professors), but I think that there's too many things to count in to be able to make something like this fair. They need a better system of weeding the bad people out.


NothingRight said...

I agree that this system appears to be too arbitrary. There needs to be clearly defined standards for teachers, but they also need to have the tools to achieve those standards, and the compensation commensurate with the expectations.

The attack on education in this nation is representative of the mindset of the new corporate party. If you are educated, you may question your leaders, and then change will come. If you are either under educated, or if your education is structured to avoid topics that would lead you to question leadership, then you become an obedient sheep, grateful to simply receive the scraps given by the corporate overlords.

Make higher education unaffordable, overcrowd classes in primary education and have teachers teach based on a standardized exam that leaves out any progressive ideas of learning, and you dumb down the population.

Intellectualism fades as fundamentalism rises.

Underground Politics said...

Exactly. George Carlin did an awesome piece on this type of stuff you're talking about called The America Dream. It's pretty awesome an full of truths.

I really wish the Dems would grow a pair and stand up for the middle class. I'm tired of the corporations and the Tea party making all of the decisions.

Underground Politics said...

Exactly. George Carlin did an awesome piece on this type of stuff you're talking about called The America Dream. It's pretty awesome an full of truths.

I really wish the Dems would grow a pair and stand up for the middle class. I'm tired of the corporations and the Tea party making all of the decisions.