Friday, July 22, 2011

Keith Ellison Calls Out Herman Cain’s Bigotry

Keith Ellison Calls Out Herman Cain’s Bigotry: "The 2012 Republican Presidential race to oust the secret Kenyan Muslim (or is it Muslin?) Socialist has produced some jaw-dropping, phenomenally insane comments from a crop of candidates more analogous to a deranged police line-up in an episode of Law & Order than a presidential campaign. From Michele Bachmann’s chutzpah ( pronounced in signing a Marriage Vow that contains slavery references to Rick Santorum’s ridiculously fuzzy math , a Republican Presidential Candidate (or wannabee) will have to utter some utterly preposterous and hate-filled things in order to stay relevant..."


MotivatedinOhio said...

These people are crazy.  There is no doubt about it.  And they think someone like Perry or Christie will save them.  They are the top nuts!

Underground Politics said...

We need to send the lot of them to Somalia!