Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Obama Admin Blocks Bank Investigations?

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! If anyone else had done this they would be in jail for the rest of their life but if people in suits do it its somehow ok?!

"Why am I surprised that these young people behave destructively, "mindlessly", motivated only by self-interest? How should we describe the actions of the city bankers who brought our economy to its knees in 2010? Altruistic? Mindful? Kind? But then again, they do wear suits, so they deserve to be bailed out, perhaps that's why not one of them has been imprisoned. And they got away with a lot more than a few fucking pairs of trainers. These young people have no sense of community because they haven't been given one. They have no stake in society because Cameron's mentor Margaret Thatcher told us there's no such thing. If we don't want our young people to tear apart our communities then don't let people in power tear apart the values that hold our communities together."
~Russell Brand


MotivatedinOhio said...

They are irresponsible.  No one will hold the evil banks accountable.

Underground Politics said...

Apparently not. And the people who are are getting told to back off. WTF is wrong with our country?!

MotivatedinOhio said...

It has been sold to the highest bidder.

Underground Politics said...

That is what it seems like :(