Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The White Supremacist Roots Of The Tea Party’s Obama Hate

The White Supremacist Roots Of The Tea Party’s Obama Hate: "Every country has nationalistic pride and it does not matter how oppressive the government is, or how corrupt its leaders are, most people are fiercely proud of their country. Americans are as nationalistic as any people on the planet and one of the greatest aspects of this country is the diversity of the people who come together in times of strife to overcome any obstacle. There are a great number of people in America who believe nationalism is defined by the racial makeup of the population, and these racial supremacists harken back to the founding of the country when wealthy white landowners controlled all aspects of society, something that any decent American finds revolting. For the past two years or so, the teabaggers have been labeled as racists for the homogeneity of the group that is most certainly white. Teabaggers deny they are racists, but when 99% of the group is white and they rail against the first African American president for imagined transgressions before he set his administration’s policies, it is impossible to see them as anything but racists...."


MotivatedinOhio said...

I am shocked.  Those tea party people could never be racist./snark

Underground Politics said...

Oh I know! They're such loving Christians!/snark

Cletis said...

They are racists to the core and they are ignorant to the coe.

Underground Politics said...

I agree with you Cletis. It's sad that they choose to be that way.