Saturday, August 20, 2011

What I Don't Understand

So, I got told today by a Teabagger that I don't understand that if taxes are raised on the rich, that they won't create jobs. Oh fucking really now? Somehow Clinton raised taxes, and 20-25 million jobs were created. Bush lowered taxes and we lost millions of jobs and you're going to try and tell me that I don't understand?! What I don't understand is how I pay more in taxes than Exxon Mobil when I live below the fucking poverty level. I actually owed money this year when they and plenty of other companies got a fucking refund check! What I don't understand is how they're the 'job creators' and they're not making any damn jobs. Instead, they're laying of workers while making record profits and sitting on millions of dollars! What I don't understand is how people get this idea into their head that supply side economics is a fucking good thing. What I don't understand is how me and millions of other people are expected to pay more than our fair share when we sure as hell can't afford it. And the people who can afford it are receiving welfare on steroids!

A company who makes $5 million an hour in profit can receive welfare and that's ok but thousands of people who actually need the help are given the boot! Are you fucking kidding me?! How are we supposed to get out of this damn recession when money is being squeezed out of the middle class? To give you an idea of how bad it's getting; the CEO of Wal-Mart makes in one hour, what the average annual salary is of a Wal-Mart employee. But somehow they can't afford to pay more but the rest of us can?! Give me a fucking break!

“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”


MotivatedinOhio said...

That is true and wonderfully put.  We need to quit coddling the rich, put tariffs in place, and have jobs in the United States again.   The measure of anyone, is how they treat the people who are the least fortunate.

Underground Politics said...

Thanks! I'm glad that a majority of the country feels this way, but I really wish that people in congress would do their jobs and actually listen to the majority for once. You also make a very good point with treating the less fortunate. And with the way that America is criminalizing being poor, we're definitely not looking so good.

MotivatedinOhio said...

They will have to start listening.  People are at the point of exasperation.

Underground Politics said...

I sure hope so. If they don't after the August recess I hope that there's mass protests in Washington.