Sunday, May 15, 2011


I finally watched Michael Moore's Sicko documentary. I know that it's been out for a few years, but if you haven't seen it I'd really encourage you too. It's amazing how much happens to the sick and the poor in this country whether you have health insurance or not.

I have experienced some of the stuff that Moore talked about in this documentary from working in the medical field but I now know that was just the tip of the iceberg. I never knew that some health insurances were so extreme at times that they only let you go to certain hospitals. Even if you have a life threatening condition that needs immediate treatment. Because it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't ever matter but we've let them get away with it. And now they can tell us where to go when we get sick.

There was a part in the documentary where a hospital was discharging patients because they were 'medically stable' but couldn't pay their bills because they didn't have health insurance. Either that or it was maxed out. The bad part about it was that they'd shove these people in a cab and have them dropped off at a homeless shelter. I have experienced people being discharged before the underlying problem was taken care of. I never took them to a homeless shelter, but I did drop them off at a nursing home only to see them have to be transferred back to the hospital 10 minutes later.

A man that was a former member of the British parliament had said this during his interview with Moore:

"If you can find money to kill people, you can find money to help people."

I totally agree with this statement 100%. If a country can find money to fund wars than they can find it to help people. Plus once everyone's healthcare is on the same level healthcare costs will go down. Another thing America is good at is rebuilding other countries before we rebuild ours. How can we help others before helping our own? In Britain people don't have hospital bills unlike America. Because it's all paid for by the government. I'm sure there's plenty of Americans who wished it was the same way over here.

We also take better care of the terrorists we keep at Guantanamo when it came to health care than our own people. It's probably the only place on American soil where there is actual universal healthcare and preventative medicine.

I find that really crazy and sad. If we implemented preventative medicine more in the states I wonder how many deaths and sickness would of never happened. Bottom line, we also need to implement universal healthcare and not let it get revoked by the GOP.

Moore had taken people there that had needed healthcare for illnesses sustained from 9/11 and a few other people who just needed help but couldn't find it in the US. They were able to receive that help finally in Cuba at no cost that I know of. One woman was able to get an the same inhaler with the same type of medicine that costs $0.05 in Cuba but in America it's $120. Mind you Cuba's a third world country and they still take better care of their people than we do. It's also hard to believe that drug costs aren't the same between countries. But then again America is full of full profit corporations that just want to squeeze money out of the poor until there's nothing left.

This video is Anthony Weiner from NY ripping the GOP a new one over the 9/11 healthcare bill before it finally passed:

The 9/11 workers just recently were able to get the money for the healthcare that they need but now they have to jump through even more hoops to get it. This is because someone from the GOP decided that they should be checked to make sure that they're not a terrorist before they receive healthcare. Mind you no one else in this country has to do something like this to receive government assistance.

I really wish there was a bigger public outcry over these issues. We really need to change how we take care of ourselves and our own before it's too late.


Motivated In Ohio said...

Health Care is one of the biggest issues of our time. If we do not have a national health care program, like Medicare for all, we will be so overrun with healthcare costs, that the average person will no longer be able to get help when they are sick.

Underground Politics said...

That is too true.

Underground Politics said...

That is too true.