Saturday, May 28, 2011

Who Did The Fed Give Money To?

Why can't I get interest rates that low? Especially since I've never caused a huge market crash. And I would like to know why were giving non-American companies money. Someone needs to take over the Federal Reserve and get it straightened out.


Cletis said...

This made me so angry I had to log off and bite the heads off of a few nails before I could comment. We never see this information on cable or network news, therefore, very few Americans are aware of this. Ron Paul is, at times, simply goofy but he got this right. Thanks for the great post. I'm going to write about this.

Ulysses said...

What we have in this country is gentle socialiam for the plutocrats, and the most brutal capitalist competition for the poor and middle class.

Underground Politics said...

No we don't Cletis. I wish that more news stations would cover stuff like this.

Yes we do Ulysses. It's crazy because so many people from the GOP say that they hate socialism but it's ok to do socialism for the ultra wealthy but not for the middle class and the poor.

Motivated In Ohio said...

The main stream media will not cover this, since they are corporate-owned entities. That's why we have the "freedom fighters for journalism" Democracy Now covers stuff like this. TYT has been great. Very good post

Underground Politics said...

EvelJustin is making his own radio show so he'll be helping with the Voice of Progress now too!

Motivated In Ohio said...

The main stream media will not cover this, since they are corporate-owned entities. That's why we have the "freedom fighters for journalism" Democracy Now covers stuff like this. TYT has been great. Very good post