Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Poll: Bill O'Reilly is the Most Believable Person On All of Television

Poll: Bill O'Reilly is the Most Believable Person On All of Television - Business Insider

What is this world coming too?! I'm actually having people tell me that Faux News reports both sides of the story and lets you decide. Are you friggin kidding me?! They're some of the most right winged media out there and I bet you the people who feel that way about Faux are GOPs and not Liberals!


Motivated In Ohio said...

That explains why there are so many crazy people out there.

Underground Politics said...

Yes it does.

Underground Politics said...

Yes it does.


Let me tell you all my relatives (college educated, Southern, Baptist Repubs) believe FOX news is the absolute TRUTH in television. My aunt told me to watch Glenn Beck because he uses "charts and everything" to explain what is going on. "You can really connect all the facts."

Imagine how my husband and I feel...especially with my "Down with the Tea Party" sticker on the car..........

Underground Politics said...

I know a few people like that. It drives me crazy.

And I can only imagine, lol.