Monday, September 19, 2011

Love, Joy, Feminism: Sexpectations: Purity, Courtship, and Dating

Love, Joy, Feminism: Sexpectations: Purity, Courtship, and Dating: A good deal of the pain we feel in our day to day lives comes from unmet expectations. As an example, if my husband doesn’t put his dirty cl...


MotivatedinOhio said...

Spouses are not put on earth to meet expectations, but to be the best person they are able.

Underground Politics said...

Yep, I'm glad I wasn't totally raised like this. My church did encourage everyone to save their virginity for marriage.

MotivatedinOhio said...

I think instead of talking about virginity, the church should be talking about sexual responsibility.  

Underground Politics said...

That would do more good than the virginity talk.