Friday, October 7, 2011

GOP Congressman Accuses the 99% Of Attacking Freedom

GOP Congressman Accuses the 99% Of Attacking Freedom: "There are many ways to attack freedom, and as a rule, one thinks of a police state where the government censors the press or the right of people to assemble to voice opposition to a particular policy or political agenda. America’s Constitution guarantees the people the right of free speech, religion, and the press as basic human rights worthy of a freedom-loving people and a democratic government. The 1st Amendment also guarantees that Americans have a right to assemble peaceably. Apparently, at least one Republican considers the Constitution’s guarantee of “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” as an attack on freedom. Republicans have assailed the Constitution for the past two-and-a-half years, but to claim peaceful protests are an attack on freedom is a new low for the gutter-dwelling Republicans...."


MotivatedinOhio said...

Well I accuse him of probably being on the take.

Underground Politics said...

Sounds good to me!

MotivatedinOhio said...

50 % of the GOP don't know what the letters stand for, why would they know anything else.

Underground Politics said...

That's just really sad/pathetic right there. Not even knowing what your own party stands for.

Joe Specter said...

The 99% manifesto.

Our movement is not about class struggle, it is about life's
struggles.  We are a rich country, but
99% of us are getting poorer.  Our voice
is not being heard.  Democracy, that once
revolutionary idea, has gone from being one man one vote to one dollar one
vote.  Our angst is that the social
institutions and the invented, fictitious, yet believed incentive system has
warped our society, weakening our community, separating us from each other.  It is this incentive scheme that must be
altered.  Our human history is dense with
oppression of one man by another, yet somehow we are indeed all equal.  We oppress each other because "that's
the way things are and have been". 
This must change.  We don’t need
leaders, but rather we need servants and representatives.  Freedom is being able to voice one’s opinion,
Democracy is when our voice is heard. 
Today, we have neither freedom nor democracy.   Out of despair, we take to the streets to be
heard.  We chant freedom!  We cry to be recognized! Our demands are few,
and although nominally we are fulfilled, in real terms, eliminating the smoke
and mirrors of distractions, we have nothing of which to speak.

We are 99%, but we don’t hold 99% of the wealth.  We are not asking for those more successful
or more talented than us to be made homeless, but rather for the 1% to stop
waging war against us.  We demand the 1%
to defend us.  The 1% are indeed
privileged.  However, privilege bears
certain responsibility.  Life is
random.  Some souls are lucky to be born
into wealthy powerful families, some are less fortunate.  However we are all equal.  We are born, we live, then we vanish.  During this fleeting time, we should ensure
that all souls are given a fair shot at contributing something to those of us
alive. The purpose of a soul is to enrich life- those of us here and now.  Together we are life.

We therefore, before the center of world commerce, Wall
Street, demand the following.


1) Strong social safety nets, including a public option on
health care.

2) Free education

3) End to wars.

4) End to Immigration

5) End to job outsourcing.

6) A level playing field for rich, poor, black white,
Hispanic Americans

7) End to Corporatism.

8) End to money in Politics and public campaign finance.

9) Limiting individual and corporate contributions to any
candidate to 100 dollars

10) Capping how much any candidate can spend on an election.

10) Gov sponsored debates on Government  licensed airwaves.

11) We want value for our contributions. Europeans pay
similar taxes, but get much more than we do. 
We don’t mind paying taxes provided there are safe streets, clean
streets, etc, as long as we get something in return.

12) Government should in some ways be more active, but do it
without corruption.

13) Lobbying should be replaced with paid
consultants/advisors.  Not advocates financed
by special interests.

14) Democracy should be more direct.  We have the means- internet, iphone,
etc.  Our voice can be heard, and it
should be heard. Our Representatives/Servant should be casting our vote. 

15) End to the ‘leadership’ model.  Politicians are NOT leaders nor should they
be considered leaders.  They are stewards
and servants. 

Underground Politics said...

Thank you for sharing this!