Tuesday, June 7, 2011

LA GOP Rep Defends Bill Banning Abortion, Compares Women Seeking Abortions To Heroin Addicts

LA GOP Rep Defends Bill Banning Abortion, Compares Women Seeking Abortions To Heroin Addicts - Think Progress

Apparently women are junkies now when it comes to abortions.

Oh and if Labruzzo thinks poor women should be sterilized, he should have to go through the same exact thing. And why does it have to be women? Why not men? I don't agree with any of these measures, I'm just tired of chauvinistic pigs being sexist.

And banning birth control is a very very very bad idea. Some women need to be on it for medical reasons, not just for preventing pregnancies.


Motivated In Ohio said...

Think Progress has some good articles, I wish they hadn't changed their comments.

Underground Politics said...

Me too! It really sucks that they changed it.