Sunday, July 31, 2011

John Kasich finally admits that he’s been pushing for school consolidation all along

John Kasich finally admits that he’s been pushing for school consolidation all along: "In the final months of the 2010 gubernatorial campaign, Governor Strickland’s campaign and his allies in education starting warning people in rural districts that a vote for John Kasich was a vote to consolidate your kids local school district out of existence..."


MotivatedinOhio said...

Really good article.  I loved the video.

Underground Politics said...

They're both really good.

Cletis said...

School consolidation destroys communities perhaps more than any other action.

Underground Politics said...

It really does Cletis! My hometown lost their elementary school, a year or two after that the bank closed and now with all of the post offices closing who knows if we'll still have one of those! It's horrible. Everyone used to move there because we had an awesome elementary school but now my Dad said that he's never seen so many houses up for sale. We're slowly turning into a ghost down and it's really sad :(