Thursday, September 1, 2011

Runaway CEO Pay Helped Create the Economic Crisis; So Why Are Politicians Still Covering For Rich Execs?

Runaway CEO Pay Helped Create the Economic Crisis; So Why Are Politicians Still Covering For Rich Execs?: "A new study looks at the worst executive excesses--while Congress continues to help CEOs hide their outrageous pay rates from the public.

A global catastrophe occurs. An outraged public shakes pitchforks at the corporate culprits. Lawmakers respond. They propose some modest new laws that require corporations to more fully disclose what they’re doing. Corporate America, unchastened, goes ballistic.

Sound familiar? We’ve seen this story play out before. In fact, we’ve seen this story play out after almost every grand corporate catastrophe over the last 80 years....."


MotivatedinOhio said...

Because of Citizens United vs. FEC.  We no longer have a democracy, or democratic Republic, we are an oligarchy.  Our representatives are bought and paid for.

Underground Politics said...

I wish the supreme court hadn't decided that. It's a load of bull. I'm tired of the way our country's heading. I hope that we're able to make some changes next year.