The War On Women: "I'm not going to say a great deal about these entries, because they make me so angry I'm afraid I'll start to speak in tongues. I used to think the line "the War on Women" was hyperbole, meant to make us sit up, be scared, and send our book money to NOW or NARAL. Today? Today I hear bullets in the shape of vicious legislation flying. Bad people want to strip us of our rights, folks. What's next: women can only work in the home? I
Amendment 26. This is . . . truly frightening. In the Mississippi legislature a movement is afoot to make life a legal construct that begins at--fertilization. This is not a joke. I spent a good chunk of today searching the Intertubes because I was positive it had to be a foolie, in part because I could find no mention of it on the main pages for NOW and NARAL. The whole subject is operating under the radar, which is nervous-making, because the people who support this say they have petitions ready for a lot of other states. Because they say they had 30,000 signatures more than they needed to get this on the fall ballot. Because they say they can use this to overturn Roe v. Wade...."
"If the United States is supposed to uphold "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" how can a sick or dying person without health care have these rights."
~Motivated In Ohio
"Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must - must - redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent healthcare is by definition re-distributional."
~Donald Berwick
These people are making birth control illegal, they are making it illegal to give medical care to women who are losing the baby, what is wrong with them.
They have no souls.
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