Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why Do Soldiers Rape?

Why Do Soldiers Rape?: "Why do some men assume they are entitled to sex in any way they can get it - incest, date rape, marriage trafficking, buying it in prostitution, extorting it in exchange for food in refugee camps or sexually assaulting their fellow soldiers? For more than 100 years, activists worldwide have fought against the victimization of women through sexual violence.

More recently, advocates have turned a floodlight on the perpetrators through programs and public policy focused on exposing, prosecuting and challenging the male demand for sex....."


MotivatedinOhio said...

Because the ones that do are Sociopaths.

Underground Politics said...

They really are. They shouldn't be allowed to serve.

MotivatedinOhio said...

No they shouldn't.  They should have to hang their heads in shame forever.

Underground Politics said...

And get some type of punishment for it.