Friday, May 20, 2011

Patriot Act Extended For 4 Years

Yey, I get to have my rights violated for another four years.


Motivated In Ohio said...

I hate the Patriot Act. Hated it when everyone liked it. I even read it. Now, that was torture.

Underground Politics said...

I can only imagine the torture of reading it. I don't understand how people can like something that allows the government to do whatever they want pretty much if they think someone's a terrorist. Even without probable cause.

Cletis said...

Totally misnamed like "enhanced terrogation techniques."

Underground Politics said...

Yes they did. I'm glad McCain was trying to set them straight on that issue.

Cletis L. Stump said...

Totally misnamed like "enhanced terrogation techniques."

Underground Politics said...

I can only imagine the torture of reading it. I don't understand how people can like something that allows the government to do whatever they want pretty much if they think someone's a terrorist. Even without probable cause.