Monday, July 18, 2011

Isn't It Ironic?

It's amazing how crazy people will get over one situation. Even though that one situation could potentially happen hundreds if not thousands of times a day. They just freak out. I find it very irritating. We've had a couple examples of this since the beginning of this year: the death of Osama Bin Laden and the Casey Anthony trial.

When Osama Bin Laden died a lot of the Christian community on Facebook were freaking out over the fact that people were celebrating the fact that the man who killed 3,000 Americans and countless others was finally dead. Hey, their entitled to their opinions but that's not what got me irritated. What got me irritated was the fact that they got mad that people were celebrating that this psychopath was dead and that he probably died not knowing God.

Those Christians getting mad over that got me pretty irritated. Hundreds if not thousands of of people die every day not knowing God and they're getting all pissy about one guy who possibly died without knowing God. Oh and lets not forget the potential hundreds of people Bin Laden killed who didn't know God. But you never hear one peep about those thousands of other people. And another problem I had with those people thinking that is that they will probably never know for sure if Bin Laden was a Christian or not. He might of been for all we know!

And then we have the Casey Anthony trail. I don't really know much about the case. I didn't even really know about it until everyone on Facebook (yet again) was freaking out over the fact that Anthony was found not guilty. Hundreds if not thousands of kids die every day around the world for a lot of different reasons and they get all pissy (yet again) over this one situation. I heard from a friend that there's 140 open murder cases in Orlando, 11 of them involving children. Where's the outrage over those cases?

Where's the outrage for everything else that involves kid for that matter? Where's the outrage for the kids who die because they don't have healthcare, or clean water, or die of starvation? Where's the outrage for all of the other kids that are murdered every year? Where's the outrage for the children that are forced to work in sweatshops? Where is it for the kids that are abused every day? Where is the outrage?!

I'm not saying that Caylee's death doesn't mean anything to me because it does. It's sad that this child lost her life before she was able to live it to the fullest. It's sad that our justice system failed her but that fault lies with the prosecutors. I just want people to take the time to think about all of the other children in this world who die every single day.

I just find it ironic. I guess maybe some people just don't think about the broader picture anymore. All of the propaganda that floats around these days definitely doesn't help at all. Best thing to do in this situation would to be to try and raise awareness of it all. Hopefully someday these people will see better, but I don't think that day will be coming anytime soon.

"So the question is not whether we will be extremist, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for hate, or will we be extremists for love? Will we be extremists for the preservation of injustice, or will we be extremists for the cause of justice?"
~Martin Luther King Jr


MotivatedinOhio said...

I am sorry that Caylee Anthony is dead, I am sorry any child dies.  That being said.  Why aren't we enraged about all the children who die from not having access to health care, why aren't we enraged about children going hungry or being homeless?

Underground Politics said...

That's what I'd like to know!

Cletis said...

Jesus on the state of Christianity today: "Oy vey!" Excellent post, UP.

Underground Politics said...

Thanks Cletis :]