Norway attacks: Muslims feel sting of initial blame after attacks - "In the immediate wake of the bombing and mass shooting in Norway that left at least 92 people dead Friday, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg declared that it was too early to say whether terrorism was involved. Some interpreted the statement to mean it was unclear whether Muslim extremists were behind the attack. Right-wing websites quickly pointed the finger at "jihadis," and Pamela Geller, publisher of the website Atlas Shrugs and executive director of Stop Islamization of America, wrote on her site: "You can ignore jihad, but you cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad." Counter-terrorism experts soon weighed in, implicating Al Qaeda. Then Anders Behring Breivik, described by police as a "right-wing Christian fundamentalist," was arrested in connection with the attacks.In the immediate wake of the bombing and mass shooting in Norway that left at least 92 people dead Friday, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg declared that it was too early to say whether terrorism was involved. Some interpreted the statement to mean it was unclear whether Muslim extremists were behind the attack. Right-wing websites quickly pointed the finger at "jihadis," and Pamela Geller, publisher of the website Atlas Shrugs and executive director of Stop Islamization of America, wrote on her site: "You can ignore jihad, but you cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad." Counter-terrorism experts soon weighed in, implicating Al Qaeda. Then Anders Behring Breivik, described by police as a "right-wing Christian fundamentalist," was arrested in connection with the attacks..."
What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
When Fox automatically decides without proof that it is Muslim Extremists, something is wrong.
I heard that CNN did it too :(
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