Wednesday, July 27, 2011

When Gay Bashing RWNJ’s Can’t Handle the Truth, They Sue Rachel Maddow

When Gay Bashing RWNJ’s Can’t Handle the Truth, They Sue Rachel Maddow: "You might find yourself strapped for cash in the middle of this Republican Recession, and wondering how you too can utilize free market freedom to land yourself a bundle of cash that will “create jobs” if you decide you don’t want a yacht.

Fear not, people. Do I have a scoop for you.

You too can make oodles of cash off of hate, just like those Right Wingers who took away your right to collectively bargain right after they cleaned out your 401K. The answer? Insult homophobic bands by daring to use their own words, including later disclaimers! Yes, I know, this is what you like to do anyway in your free time, so see how it works out?..."


MotivatedinOhio said...

That is absolutely disgusting, and stupid.

Underground Politics said...

It really is. Maddow better win.