Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Tea Party's Next Target: Taking Out the EPA and Sacking Laws that Protect Our Water and Air

The Tea Party's Next Target: Taking Out the EPA and Sacking Laws that Protect Our Water and Air: "In the midst of a packed schedule snapping at President Obama's heels, Republicans have found time to try and rip the heart out of the Environmental Protection Agency.

You'd think Congress would be too busy wrecking the economy to attack the environment. Yet, in the midst of a packed schedule snapping at President Obama's heels and lunging for each other's throats, Republicans have found time to try and rip the heart out of the Environmental Protection Agency, killing 40 years of protections for water, air, endangered species, wildlife habitat and national parks..."


MotivatedinOhio said...

I was arguing this one today too.   For goodness sake, Nixon started the EPA, it isn't a left wing product, the Koch Brothers don't like it, so that is why it is being hit.

Underground Politics said...

Exactly. I'd rather not see rivers catching on fire and I like to be able to breathe.