Saturday, September 24, 2011

Republicans Kick Their Obstruction Into Full Throttle In Order To Prevent Job Creation

Republicans Kick Their Obstruction Into Full Throttle In Order To Prevent Job Creation: "It is human nature to avoid accepting responsibility for making mistakes whether out of embarrassment or the need to blame another person to evade punishment or retribution. It is a sign of low moral character when adults blame someone else for their blunders, and children often engage in finger-pointing to avoid punishment. Rapists are well-known for blaming their victims to prevent juries from sending them to jail, and their lawyers often succeed in getting an acquittal because they portray the victim as a vindictive accuser. For the past ten years, Republicans have been raping America’s economy and avoided being accountable for their malfeasance; they have blamed President Obama, Democrats, and even Americans to deflect blame away from themselves...."


MotivatedinOhio said...

Republicans, have become something unrecognizable.

Underground Politics said...

Yep. And so many of their followers don't question what's going on which is pretty scary.

MotivatedinOhio said...

They are really scary.  And they have guns.

Underground Politics said...

Yeah that too :(