Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010

Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010: "A week after the Census Bureau reported that American poverty has hit an all time high, America has learned the wealth of Charles and David Koch has increased 43% since March of 2010.

According to Forbes, the Koch Brothers have seen their fortune grow by 43% in a little more than a year to $25 billion. According to Think Progress the Koch boys have made their money by aggressively speculating in energy markets, “Koch uses legitimate hedging products to create price stability. However, the documents reveal that Koch is also participating in the unregulated derivatives markets as a financial player, buying and selling speculative products that are increasingly contributing to the skyrocketing price of oil.”..."


MotivatedinOhio said...

Another reason to dislike those creeps.  They have been doing this for at least a decade.

Underground Politics said...

Yep, I know I'm tired of it. And I hope that the rest of America shows that they're tired of it too in 2012!

Amber Ladeira said...

I REALLY despise the Koch family, going back beyond the brother billionaires. Thank you for
keeping awareness of these fiends on the front burner.

Also, thanks for your comments on my blog; stay well and as happy as possible in this nutty world.
Best, A.

Underground Politics said...

I don't like them either.

And you're welcome :] I hope you're doing well too.