Sunday, July 24, 2011

Justice: blind and bound

Justice: blind and bound - Daily Kos: "I will no longer recite the Pledge of Allegiance to my country without amending the final sentence. Instead of "with liberty and justice for all," I will say "with incarceration and injustice for too many." Lyrics from Native American folksinger Buffy Sainte Marie's "My Country Tis of Thy People You're Dying" echo in my mind as I see the stars and bars waving in the wind. "[…]hands on our hearts we salute you your victory-choke on your blue white and scarlet hypocrisy." To sing "my country tis of thee sweet land of liberty" is to speak with a twisted tongue. Justice is not only blind—she is gagged. Freedom is denied to many of our citizens who remain shackled, bound, and who suffer cruel and inhumane treatment. There are dogs in animal shelters who receive better treatment and have more space than some inmates who are locked away in solitary..."

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