Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rich People’s Taxes Have Little to Do with Job Creation

Rich People’s Taxes Have Little to Do with Job Creation - Center for American Progress

If only the Repubs understood this! We have years of evidence that it doesn't work and they still don't understand it! Even though most of the country is for raising the taxes on the rich they still won't listen to us. I wish they knew what it was like to not make enough money to feed yourself or have gas for your car. I wish they knew what it was like to have to decide which bills to pay and which ones not too. I wish they'd listen to the patriotic millionaires when they say that they want to pay more in taxes.


MotivatedinOhio said...

The rich who have seen all the benefits of this country, need to be paying their fair share.  While I am opposed to violence, it seems like this is where it is heading.

Underground Politics said...

I think we'd get further with peaceful protests so I hope that things don't get that far.